i reached gold two rank yesterday. starcraft is mentally demanding game. matches are fast it means you play 10 minuts to 20 minutes ussually. sometimes its long but rearly… i play one game and i exhout mentally. but i play goood. i play terran
I have the exact same feeling with gaming atm. I just dont have the energy to play my favorite games for more than an hour or so.
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Its rare that I play by myself. I mostly play with friends.
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I cannot even play with friends more then 3 games
We also play 3-4 games max. I can’t more.
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Before sz on weekends I played all day, 8 hours lol My mother was worried that I damage my eyes and told me to go out of the house lol
I am loser noob
Stay positive man.
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Positive about what?
I meant dont put yourself down, you’ll feel bad.
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I already feeling bad. What can I do
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