I ordered the book The Quiet Room

The library didn’t have it, so I figured I would go ahead and order it. The reviews of it were all pretty positive.

Have any of you read it?

I’m currently reading Memories, Dreams, and Reflections by Carl Jung.

The Quiet Room is remarkably readable. I know because I read the whole thing at a time when I could barely read.,


Awesome. I’m really looking forward to it.

Yes, there’s a story line; it’s a great book!

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I have also read the Quiet Room, it is a gripping book.

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I’m supposed to be getting the Quiet Room soon. I just finished Memories, Dreams, Reflections by Carl Jung, kind of intense at parts but very illuminating, nonetheless, to the problems of the psyche and soul. I recommend it.

I read the book, its quite good…it has a nice enough ending

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