Usually they deliver within a couple hours. This won’t be delivered till tomorrow night. I guess a lot of more people don’t want to go out of their house because of the virus. I almost want to cancel it and just run to the store but I’m tired. I guess I’ll just wait. It’s not like I’m starving. lol
You’re pretty lucky if you can get next day delivery in my opinion …
Heck sometimes it’s within a little over an hour. I don’t think many people use the delivery service here normally.
I’m shocked ! That’s a pretty good service.
I must be spoiled. How long does it take you to get delivery? How big is the town you live in? The town I live in is only like 10,000 people, so not too much competition for spots for delivery.
Our online delivery service hours are booked up!
We can’t get any deliveries!
Relying on my brother and his girlfriend for groceries.
Looking at other delivery companies as well.
Before the virus hit I could get a slot for 2 days in the future but now it’s like a videogame trying to find slots. My town is larger than yours I guess.
I’m sorry @Wave I guess I shouldn’t be complaining about having to wait. I’m thankful for their service.
I’m disabled. So I count on the service a lot. Since the virus it’s really hard to place an order. I would have to wait a week for them only to have them cancel until the next day. It’s frustrating. Right now I’m relying on mom and partner. I like to be as independent as possible. So it’s a struggle.
I’m sorry for your struggles. I know this virus is causing problems all over the place in so many ways. Hopefully things get back to normal soon and you can get back to your more independent life.
I am hoping for that day when everything goes back to normal. And, it isn’t so bad yet, at least I still have food and someone there to help me.
All the best to you @pea!
I live alone with no friends or family to help. I got groceries delivered Monday, but had to be up at midnight Saturday to get a Monday slot.
I have seen that grocery deliveries are also increasing in my little town, I have two grocery stores just 300 meters from my place, so I go there.
From what I hear people are standing in lines outside the stores six feet apart. Yesterday this woman who works at our facility went to Walmart, braved the hellacious lines, and got our most needed groceries. She got groceries for three people, myself included. She put up with a lot to get us what we needed. I’m grateful at the way people are helping us and proud of the way they’re helping each other.
You too @Wave
All of us
I go get my own groceries still. My mother in law hasn’t been able to get delivery at all so I go get hers too.
According to one groceries company in Finland, the net orders of groceries has increased by 700 %.
I cancelled my online order and went to the store myself, I didn’t want to wait till tonight and I had energy plus I needed to pick up meds at the pharmacy anyway.
It’s a 2 week wait currently in my city