Period. End of story. Not happening. I can’t think of enough ways to say no.
I completely understand if somebody does. I guess it’s alluring to some people.
Period. End of story. Not happening. I can’t think of enough ways to say no.
I completely understand if somebody does. I guess it’s alluring to some people.
Completely clueless as to what you are talking about.
But I thought you wanted to be a sociopath, what do you care about your soul?
I’m not buying your soul.
Sometimes I wonder if a person could sell their soul and not know it. Nothing personal, just ruminating. But sometimes when a person thinks they are the most right they are most wrong.
I am not selling my soul but I am donating my soul.
I would trade mine for a 12-pack of Diet Coke right about now. It’s hotter than hell here (pun intended).
Walk or hike in nature.
If you can’t be outside
You’ve lost your soul.
I give my soul freely, its the least i can do for just being here, walking, talking, breathing, so much to be grateful for
What a perfectly soulless thing to say.
This made me actually laugh out loud.
I’d buy someone’s soul if it was a BOGO type thing. Or buy two, get three free.
I’ll sell you my soul for a cheeseburger.
The devil offers more than a cheeseburger.
Random fact: the devil is purple🤲
OK, two cheeseburgers.
But I can’t promise I won’t sell it again afterwards.
If the cheeseburgers have pickles on them it sounds like a deal.
WITH pickles!?
It would feel like I’m robbing you.
I once had a fiddling contest with the devil. Someone even wrote a song about the whole ordeal. This was many years ago. I won a golden fiddle.
Your real name is Johnny?