I’m doing great, happy to be back

Sorry for leaving so abruptly again. I guess I can’t help myself. But I realize this is the best forum for me on the internet. That’s the real issue here. You guys are more supportive than other forums I’ve been trying the last couple months. Nothing is perfect obviously. But this board is good for me 9/12 months a year.

I’m taking the follow meds and supplements

10 mg abilify
50 mg naltrexone
50 mg Zoloft
.25 klonopin
1800 mg lions mane (well just started this today)
15 mg cbd
A multivitamin

Taking these daily I’ve never been so stable.

I’m always wanting to “expand my mind” being the psychonaut that I am. But the best way to do this is to take your meds I realize. Some people psilocybin May work but not me. And don’t worry I haven’t been taking psilocybin just reading about it a lot. Interesting stuff but not for schizos.

I’m taking a class at community college next Monday starting.

Really missing this board lately.

Been making songs …really improving. Got a whole album, which I believe every song is better than any song I ever made before just recently. Well if nothing else I’ve improved but still got a long way to go.

I guess my writing has improved a bunch. But still need to work on delivery and flow. Tell me if you’d wanna hear anything??

Peace :v: Chew

Gotta try to limit my postings here especially with school coming up. But sometimes there’s stuff on my mind I can’t find a great outlet in music always, only sometimes.

A message board would be helpful. Reddit isn’t for me maybe to read but not to post. Maybe it’s just I know you guys better than those redditors. Whatever it is I hope u welcome me back.


Wow! Welcome back ! :sunny:


Heya @Jonnybegood welcome back!


Welcome back dude :astonished:


Thanks @Ooorgle @everhopeful @AccreditedPsych

I was real happy to see you still posting here @everhopeful when I came here for the first time since March today…


First selfie I’ve taken in months. This board inspires 99% of my selfies lol.


Welcome back Johnny boy


Thanks you were on my mind. Hmmm might have been learning something about South Africa and thought of you there. I think I was playing jeopardy and the answer was

“What is South Africa.”

And I thought. WALLAFISH!!


And what is China? maybe Green5 ?? Welcome back!


I’m too old to remember all you kids’s ups and downs and ins and outs but, anyway, I’m glad to see your face and that you are back and feeling good.


Welcome back! :smile:
I’d love to see a picture of you where you don’t frown. You always look so angry lol


I can’t call Gratitude kids, he might get annoied.

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I’ve been meaning to ask you. Are mushrooms big in your culture?? I hear in your region everyone is a mycologist to some extent :nerd_face: or at least interested in mushrooms. All kinds of mushrooms. I think it’s interesting because we have mycophobia here in the USA

Welcome back Gratitude :slight_smile:


China is the home of the Tao. The most beautiful poetic philosophy I’ve encountered this far.

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Thanks is that you @spark??

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Lol, no it’s Butterfly

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When you’re 74, anyone under 30 is a kid. :slightly_smiling_face:


The good thing about taking breaks is I don’t use my phone as much. The bad thing about this board is it makes me use my phone too much :sweat: my friends/family gonna be like “you’re back to being on your phone 24/7”.

I see the thing where it shows you who’s typing is no longer

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Nice to see you back, dude!