I know people who did not have any understanding how to use computers in the 1980s and now when they are much older they are totally computer skilled using the Internet and its services daily.
I consider that a bad thing. How we have reliance on the Internet too much. There are some positives but Internet has ruined my brain, I see other ways the world has improved and I utilize the Internet better now then when I was 16. But still it’s bad. I find equality rights and social movements and modern medicine to be most important. Still lots of corruption though makes it room for improvement.
I remember the pre-mass internet days. Just can’t imagine how I passed my days back then. In the future his period now will be known as the Information Age.
And I love it.
Equality rights & fair economies. That’s what we need most in the modern world. We don’t have time to waste anymore. There’s no need for a billionaire to be sitting on billions and not be spending. He, or she, needs to be more practical and keep the economic wheel churning.
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