I just look at having a iPhone as normal and not a status symbol

But reading on a Reddit post the new iPhone 15 is considered a status symbol in poor countries and people aspire to own them, but for me, it’s just normal having a iPhone 15 Like many of my contemporary follow Britains. For poor countries it’s like a whole year of their income to buy one. For me I only have to save for 4 weeks to get one. £800 for a iPhone is half of my monthly income.I don’t even take insurance out if I lose it I’ll break it I just buy a new one. Does this make Westerners Privileged?


you are lucky you have a lot of money…I am happy with my android I bought at walmart for 80 bucks…don’t need an iphone, but you have money…I don’t.


Not all Western countries are as generous with benefits as the UK appears to be based on your post.

I’m low income but I got an iPhone 12 2 years ago from my mom as a birthday gift.

It works excellently and I’m very happy with it.


Sorry, i dont buy into Iphone sales tactics. lol.


I switched from iphone to android. Really wish now i has not. But at the moment cant afford another iphone. Will have to wait.

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I just bought the iPhone 15 Pro but I have Apple Care Insurance for it.

Like I said before I rely on my phone for everything and I don’t own a computer


I am not aware of any other country that offers the benefits that the UK does. Here in Canada in my province, people on Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) are paid so poorly that they have to choose between paying rent or having food. They don’t have phones at all.


We do actually have good benefits here in the UK. The problem is people abuse them. And i dont think they take enough care of the working class.


@Qwerty People do abuse the system but the government is going to crack down on the abusers and malingerers and make it hard to get benefits, this will have an effect on genuine benefits claimants but I think its a good thing they are cracking down.

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I got my grandfathers iPhone 10xr. When I got it it was my first up to date nice phone. I use it for everything. I don’t know when I’ll need a new one. It’ll probably have to crap out before I look at another.

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Yes ive been reading about them spending millions on a program to catch people who are fraudulent claiming. This is a very good thing.

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I don’t see what about tax evaders who don’t pay their taxes, when making it even harder for people to get disability. Waiting 2 months to a year for disability could mean homelessness or worse. How many people are abusing it, sounds like a talking point to make it harder and spending less on people.

In the US it’s possible to get an iPhone supplemented by a contract plan monthly from a major internet provider. But ur stuck with the phone for 3 years.

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I can understand why there would be a bigger temptation to get on the dole in the UK than there is in North America. Most people don’t get a living wage on our side of the pond. The UK govt apparently will buy you a car.


No way. Never heard this before.

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Only if you get the highest PIP allowance you can get a car paid by benefits. And to get this you have to have a severe disability, it’s not awarded to just anybody. Also the Dole is just out of work benefits which isn’t alot, About £100 a week for a single person, plus you get rent allowance/rent paid in full. So maybe talking £750 a month. Full awards of disability benefits is like £2600 a month including disability benefits and rent paid, etc. If you get a car you’ll lose £300 a month to pay for small car out of that benefit. It’s like a finance car, you pay monthly but you don’t need a credit check. Also with the car is all your insurance and tax so you just pay the £300.

this is the kind of car you get from the Government if you qualify.


I’m sure @daydreamer can provide more information.



Yes. Privilege is being able to take for granted that which many others would like to have, but are unable to because their circumstances are not the same as yours. You are very privileged. As am I.


We are defo privileged as Westerners. It saddens me that people have to go without things. Money needs to become obsolete, with UBI in place, and some kind of other monetary one world global token as a means of greater wealth for things with value. I feel like the poorest person shouldn’t be able to afford a trip to the Moon until saving, rather than going without food, tech, housing etc. One can dream for a better world.