I went in Tuesday and got out today (Friday)
I’m sorry you had to go inpatient. I hope you’re feeling better now.
@Montezuma I got so upset with how my day went I yelled at a lady who tried cutting in front of me (I’ve had a lot go wrong)
Hope you’re feeling better. Does it still suck inside?
@77nick77 not as bad as it did
Well, you survived, that’s the important thing. Did you talk to anybody in there? I’m usually a loner in hospitals.
I am a bit more social in the hospital, maybe because they have SZ like me. There was a girl that I spent time with her, she comes to my room at night while hiding from the guards lol We exchanged phone numbers but I never called her. I think she called once and I said I don’t know her because I am not that social and felt uncomfortable. I was 22 y.o and she was 19 y.o.
@77nick77 @Aziz and @Montezuma I’m more of the mother goose when I’m in the hospital along with walking, I always walk a lot in there
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