My therapist is sending me to the hospital
Oh no. I hope you won’t be in there for too long.
i hope get well soon
For what? Zhsjshj
Get well soon. I’m sorry you’re struggling
@LilyoftheValley @Superdry @anon58091841 @everhopeful I got out Tuesday so I was in for 6 days
@Superdry I was hallucinating and going into a spiritual of depression
I’m glad to hear you’re out
6 days isn’t long
hope youre feeling better now. Glad you were able to get help. hope it wasnt too hard on ya
@POET @FreeLunch thanks y’all
@FreeLunch it felt like forever!
it always does! I hated being in the hospital. every day felt like an eternity
Still six days isn’t too bad. That means you’re not doing that badly. I’m happy for you
@FreeLunch true… It also helps I have a good support system
@POET so true
@Twialine how are you doing and feeling? I hope better!! Sorry you were in the hospital. I’m glad your stay was short. That’s great news! It does feel like an eternity in there though, doesn’t it?
@anon90992146 I had trouble getting my new meds so I spent a full day without my meds but I am better… Meds are getting back in my system though so that’s good… I have friends at my pharmacy so they filled my meds before anyone else got filled
I am better though
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