I just figured

It is better to be doped up on pills enough where you don’t know. I can jump on the highway in the dark. Talking to myself is getting on my nerves. I’m sick of being sick. I think everyone is out to get me around here. No hospital no idiots just peace.

No! Don’t think that way! I’ve been there. It is NOT better. You either die or everything passes you by, and you miss out on so much. If you are feeling this way, please call a crisis hotline center.

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Nope tired of them too

Even though it sucks to have to go with the hospital, maybe it would be a place where you can stay and be safe until you feel a little stronger. I’ve had a lot of problems with those type of thoughts. But most of the time I feel it’s still worth trying.

Absolute hell hole. Paranoid. Sleep is the only thing that helps.

Please call someone or go somewhere for help. Sleep is not a cure-all.

The neighbors will kill me if I go outside tomorrow

You may need your meds adjusted from the sound of it. Can you call your pdoc? The neighbors won’t kill you. That’s the sz talking.

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Everyday who’re hoe etc… No I can’t I’d have to stay in a ward. Neighbors dropped something heavy just now on floor. Need I say more?

Flash from TV programme walls.

u sound sick, if i was as psychotic as you on meds my life would be impossible. my psychosis is of the type where i think of harming myself. your psychosis is similar but you don’t act on those thoughts as far as i can see.

Collapse at light pick me up please goodnight

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