I have a confession to make

I used to be prejudiced again men of a particular religion.

I’ve since learned I was wrong.

Anyway, karma is a B**** as I’m now dealing regularly with reverse racism at my job.

I need to learn to take the hits honestly. I deserve it.


You only hear about the bad guys but not the billions of people who just are living their life.


Wiser words aren’t said often

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I’m sorry you’re dealing with racism CoCo. You should be feeling comfortable while at work.

While there is people on this forum who I know are religious and I still like them a lot, i’m not going to lie… I HATE religion.


I agree @Mars @AppleKidd

I’ve had a chance to learn otherwise.

I feel terrible for my assumptions and beliefs about those men as a majority.

It’s simply not true.

I mean of a minority it is, but that’s true of all groups of people.


I understand. I’m way less religious on meds and I need to keep it that way.

I’m very extreme without meds.


Don’t let it bother you, what’s past is past. As for the current reverse racism or discrimination - that’s not right, don’t let it slide


I feel like I’m paying my dues.


No, that cna’t be it. becuase it’s illogical, trust me. you deserve a workplace free from negativity and bullying; is there a manager you can discuss things with without mentioning names?


Yes, but last night even one of my managers was being discriminated against. He didn’t know how to defend himself. I felt bad for him.

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Is there a HR in the main office/headquarters of the company you’re employed by?

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I have no idea, but it doesn’t matter because most of it comes from customers.

They absolutely hate white people.

It’s constantly happening and it’s quite bad actually

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I see, I can’t think of anything other than bare with it till it doesn’t phase you

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I agree with @AppleKidd .

Two wrongs don’t make a right and hate is hate regardless of whomever is at the receiving end of it.

We’ve all had shitty thoughts about other groups of people. Don’t let the guilt of that define you.

You should feel safe at work.


Ok now I know which religion you are talking about :joy::rofl:

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I tried joining the Pastafarians but they told me I didn’t eat enough carbs in my diet.



@TheCanuk , the group I was discriminating against isn’t the same group that’s discriminating against me.

But I now go out of my way to be extra kind and helpful to people of that background.

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lol! Thanks for the laugh @Montezuma

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When I worked in Detroit, the white people would talk bad about black people behind their backs, super racist stuff. The black people didn’t care they would talk about about white people to their face. I saw it all the time. I also saw a lot of examples of black and white people who were well mannered to each other. The world is a psychward without walls. Gotta expect chaos.


Very true @Zwaynopolous

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