I have a confession to make

Racism is flat out wrong and we are all guilty of participating in it at some point in our life and for the near future until we all change

Because it is the world we live in we haven’t got past it.

I’m sorry you are facing it. It’s every where.

I’ll tell you among the Asian community. Even though people think we are one group. There is a lot of racism between east Asians and southeast Asians and Pacific Islanders and indigenous groups.


If it’s Christianity Google how christians are portrayed on tv. It’s eye opening. I’m sure a lot of religions are portrayed bad on tv. I had biases towards religion because of what I saw on tv and meeting people who never cracked open their religious books they just do what the pastor, priest, or imam says.


Some people are just ignorant and hate people because they are different than them, whether its race , religion or whatever but then there is a cycle thats hard to stop as well.

Like a person will get treated poorly by one group of people, then that person will become jaded and dislike that group of people. That person will often hold that grudge and then treat the other group badly when the opportunity arises.

So, it seems like it is a difficult cycle to break in many. Poor behavior from one group elicits poor behavior from another group and on and on the cycle continues.

Some are racist just because of differences, but others are racist because of their experiences or treatment by another race.

This is why its important to try to rise above the fray and try to treat everyone well, so you dont contribute to the cycle, IMO.


I think this thread is getting too much into religiion. I believe its best to close.