It turns out its because she’s on anti depressants.
After seeing the way she is (always happy, giddy, ecstatic). It makes me think twice about being off sertraline. Perhaps I haven’t found the right med that gets me on her level. But at the same time, I find it a bit strange that she’s happy all the time.
Probably better than being low all the time. Who am I to criticise?
How come you stopped the fluoxetine? If you don’t want to say I understand.
Yeah I’ve been off em for two weeks now? I feel sort of low a lot of the time but okay at the same time. It’s strange. I feel like my mood could definitely be better though.
ah Yeahhh that is not good at all. Sounds like it was more detrimental than it was worth. Shame about the drawbacks- the positives sounded really good.
I have taken antidepressant medication for 40 years and I have never been ecstatic or joyful. The best I have been able to achieve is feeling content which is definitely better than having persistent suicidal ideation.
High energy people are everywhere. Just because they are high energy doesn’t mean they have no negative emotions. They are just better at hiding or managing them. High energy people make me tired being around them.
Yes that’s true. It could just be that she’s just being herself really.
I feel like my comment on finding her happiness strange was quite rude actually. I actually like her, her positivity is really refreshing. I’m just being an arsehole