I have a pretty good amount of dough in my checking account.
I’m hoping my food stamps get approved for this year. Otherwise it’s back to struggling.
I have a pretty good amount of dough in my checking account.
I’m hoping my food stamps get approved for this year. Otherwise it’s back to struggling.
but for my pack a butts and five cigars im good.
all my cigars broke!
Thankfully I dont have to pay rent living with my grandma. If i had to I would be screwed.
İ have 5000 $ on my credit account and i have about 6500 $ bank credit debt.i think i can handle the debts without spend my savings
I got enough to live, when i wouldn’t have bad habits i could save some money.
Doing alright. I owe several hundred dollars on a credit card but I got a $1000 in my checking account, I get paid Friday and I’ll get a nice little income tax refund in less than three weeks.
I know this may pee people off (I don’t mean too) but I have hardly noticed the cost of living increase. I can still afford my vacations and some countries shitty economies means a better exchange rate for the British Pound, so all good for me.
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