I had a tough day today

it was so stressful today, driving and taking my mum out with her new guide dog. i was basically the human sat nav/chauffeur :frowning:


I know what you mean. Back when I had a car, I used to drive people who didn’t have transportation. I had to stop because it was getting to be too much.


It’s nice that you helped out your mum @daydreamer. I hope you’re able to relax a bit at home and de-stress.

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I got so exhausted. i was burnt out :frowning: she doesn’t realise how stressful it is for me but she has her own problems :frowning:


Trying to rest and fireworks are going off

Its not bad since she’s your mother. I used to drive my friend around bcz he never had a car and dont have a driving license. He’s 30, its weird. I felt that he was taking advantage of me. Now I dont hangout with any friend, I stay home.

He doesnt have any illness too. He’s too cheap. I drove him for years and he never paid me something, not even a 1$ coffee.

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You’re too nice. If you don’t put up boundaries people will walk all over you.

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What a jerk! I’m glad you’re not driving him around anymore

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yeah im not a fan of driving people around all the time, sometimes id almost surrender my license to not do it :smile:

I had to go to 4 stores. Didn’t think I’d make it.

I had a horrific day today too. I felt hungover and tired all day (i don’t drink).

Some days you just have to write off.

yea very nice of you to help her out =)
I hope you can unwind a bit now.

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She has a new guide dog so it was even harder bc i was trying to help them both, we went to a big shop for pastry for tonight (we always have steak pie on new years day) then we let the guide dog off leash for a free run in the park :slight_smile: (I like helping my mum out but i just get really stressed/anxious my mum winds me up a lot too, she isnt bad or anything though, just doesnt realise how streeful i can get.

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