I had a severe reaction to Paxlovid, the covid antiviral

It caused a heart arrhythmia and it was really scary. I don’t have an arrhythmia anymore so I’m really glad. I can’t take it anymore. I have a 103.1 fever but the dr said that’s ok even though I took Tylenol and ibuprofen. She told me what to look out for and based on that I don’t need to go to the ER. Thankfully. But I do feel awful. My body hurts so much. Ugh


That’s scary… Glad you’re ok now though.


oh no…so very sorry. this is awful…hope you get better.

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Thanks @everhopeful @jukebox .

If others reply, I appreciate you caring. But I might be sleeping and not get back to you quickly. I feel quite awful

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i wonder if it was made worse by being mixed with the APs since both can cause arrythmias…what APs do u take? glad ur heart is back to normal

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You poor thing; you’re having the worst luck with health. I’ll send healthy thoughts your way and internet hugs. Please feel better soon. (((zmagal)))

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God bless and hope you recover.

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Yes. It was. I take Haldol, buspirone and Paxil.

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i take haldol too…so i’ll def remember to avoid paxlovid. i hope u recover from covid soon.

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Thanks @irrelevant 15

I’m sorry @LilyoftheValley
Wishing you well

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Sorry to hear that, I hope for a speedy recovery.

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