I had a revelation again Today

I have decided to give up with the dream of ever having a boyfriend again.

I simply don’t think I’m designed for it!

The whole workings of that kind of relationship in a healthy way! Nah…

Which is okay… ‘joy is immense acceptance’…

Whose with me? Lol.

I just don’t know how to be a good girlfriend lol. :smile:

Oh well!!

Any thoughts?

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Not wanting a romantic relationship is quite liberating for me, i dont think its necessary to have a mate to be happy you can be happy focusing on other things instead.


Yea I do in a very weird way feel like some fraction of a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

It is sort of sad atm. But i believe that with time (soon enough) I won’t be bothered that slight bit anymore as I learn to, like you said, focus on the rest of my life. And realise that I don’t need ‘another half’ or boyfriend as I had believed for so long.

That’s just me though. I understand that others can function well in relationships of that kind so fair play.


I decided years ago that I am a confirmed Bachelor. Like yourself, I wasn’t designed to function in a relationship.

Maybe at one time, but not anymore.

There is a freedom to it, not feeling that there is another half missing because there is not. It is simply me, doing the very best I can with what I’ve got

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Yeah it’s tough. I miss intimate and trustworthy sex so much.

But modern dating sucks. I’m on a dating site, but nearly all the women around my age and area are pretentious heaps of dung.

I saw an article about this woman who was a centarian, I think that’s what it’s called, but she was single and very happy.


Yea that’s a good way to put it

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