I save up for Christmas year round. I put money as much money as I can aside for the holiday and also any emergencies that come up. I went to get the money to put in the bank and it’s gone. We think we know who did it, but we have no proof. There goes Christmas! I’m so upset.
Damn. That’s bad. I’m so sorry.
Thanks @everhopeful
That sucks. At least the thief can’t steal the Christmas spirit.
Maybe a gofundme? Perhaps you can recoup what was stolen.
I wouldn’t be comfortable with go fund me. I’m just going to have to make some treats as gifts or something.
Understandable. I’m sorry that happened to you.
Thanks @gene 15
Oh no.
I am so sorry.
Thanks @anon4362788
Is it someone close to you? They had access to your house?
It’s my daughters friend who has been caught steeling from others before. The kids were home and we went to the gym. My daughter sleeps all day even when her friends are over so her friend had ample time to search my room.
You should talk to your daughters friends parents. And I don’t think it’s a good idea having people over when your daughter is asleep. Also if you know who did it, you should tell them that they are not welcome in your home anymore.
Yea talk to her parents. Maybe they can teach her a lesson and pay you back.
sorry that they took your money =(
Oh I’m sorry @LilyoftheValley
That’s what I was thinking. Make some Christmas fudge. Or cookies, or pecan pie. I am very sorry this happened to you. I don’t know how people can stand themselves doing something like that.
I’m sorry @LilyoftheValley . That’s a good chunk of change to to missing. I hope that it doesn’t ruin your Christmas.
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