I got my money

I’m at $223 on Dave’s card

I fried up some sliced weinies and put them in red bean and rice mix

Phil wouldn’t eat any of it

I’d like to buy some flowers for the burial

need to get some deicer too for the cars.

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Doesn’t Phil like weenies?

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My mom would make us fried weenies and Kraft macaroni and cheese when I was a kid. Good memories!

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Is a weenie a Vienna?

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apparently not, but he’ll eat them in a bun

I thought I was doing good.

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No it’s hot dog weenies. At least that’s what I call them.

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So it’s like a sausage ?

I think they called Viennas in my country

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Vienna sausages are little weenies that come in a small can. These are bigger, the kind you eat on a hot dog bun.

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I didn’t have any sausage

just made what was in the fridge and cupboard.


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