I got my dream job

Im going to be growing marijuana for a living soon. Ive been wanting this job for the past year, and it’s even within walking distance of my house. I couldnt have imagined a more perfect position for me. Im trying to figure out how i wanna celebrate this. I might get myself a fancy cigar when i have money and enjoy it with my homies.

And in case anyone is wondering, i do not use marijuana. I just want to grow it out of interest in the plant and as a career opportunity.


lol epic, that job would be unheard of a while back, unless you worked for an illegal drug cartel

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It’s still really locked down and discrete, as a security measure. My workplace will be in a classified location, surrounded by a fence, with digital locks on every door. I will also need to be careful who i tell my job to as a lot of people would probably want a part of it.


It is still illegal on the federal level. Stay safe. :turtle::turtle::turtle:

Good point. Quality over quantity…

Im not worried about that. The federal government isnt enforcing any laws related to cannabis and it doesnt even have any right to do so.

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Well i am glad you got your dream job. Good luck. :elephant::elephant::elephant:

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