I got a new car

hi, i got a new car a few days ago and its a great car but i am a bit worried about what people think, my driving has been good but there seems to be a lot of police and ambulance around and i think people are trying to make me make a mistake (probably sounds dumb lol) so i am being very careful.


Congrats @daydreamer!
I own a car too!
I rarely drive it though :slight_smile:

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i been driving around more in this, what have you got?

A 4 door VW hatchback.
Its pretty nice looking.
How bout you - what do you drive?

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just got a 1.8 ford Mondeo


I don’t think anyone is trying to make you screw up.
But congratulations on the car!


Congrats on the new car ! :red_car:

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I understand your feeling but I drive a lot and so far so good. Congrats!!:oncoming_automobile:

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just thought people would talk bc its a little town and i’m not working at the moment

I hate living in this small town, myself. Congratulations on the new car

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trying not to think about what other people think, i just hope nothing happens, i am a careful driver most of the time

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I’m sure you’ll be fine. :slight_smile:

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Long time no see @daydreamer congrats on the new car!

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Congrats, yay for driving…

1996 BMW M3 320 hp 0-60 4.5 sec

Bought it cause at 20+ years old it’s a classic so hoping to sell it for more one day

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Just take normal precautions and try to ignore idiot, distracting drivers.

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thx @77nick77 thats what i’m trying to do, trying not to let other people bother me, its hard but i am trying to be a very careful driver.

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