To come off my meds again as I’m doing so well and feel like I’m not sza anymore. I never learn… it’s crazy. Am I a fake or what? I should be glad I’m well but sometimes Alien whispers to me like tonight he did. I’m so glad my depression is gone for now
I don’t understand how people come off meds so easily. I always got 2 weeks of withdrawl from a dosage reduction and recently on risperidone I got 2 years intense awful withdrawl from a 20th dosage cut. I kept going because I thought it would get better and I didn’t want to waste the time I’d already suffered.
When I quit meds I force myself to stay in bed…sleep smothers the detox of antidepressants.
No, you’re not faking. It is everyone’s wish to be doctor free and we can’t be as long as we’re dependent on drugs. That’s why we want to quit them. I talk to myself about it and convince myself that going to a doctor for 10 minutes once every 3 months is free enough. It works for me.
hell no, don’t quit your meds !! tell your pdoc you want a med change maybe but don’t stop taking your medications ! please !?
That sentence should be framed and hung onto everyone’s walls.
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