I was trying to decide whether to bother to ever work for pay again and found a lawyer’s website from a few years ago stating that if a person earned over $800 for over 9 months on SSI the Social Security Administration would send them a letter saying they were no longer disabled. So I guess if you are too competent when you are medically compliant then you are supposedly OK. Whoever made that rule doesn’t understand most schizophrenia very well or the drugs that treat it. So if I work again it will be on a volunteer basis and I will otherwise enjoy the simple and desperate life of never having much money or much hope for a better future just because I inherited a chronic disease. I don’t normally want to wish this disease on others but I hope a lot of people in government see it happen in their families so they’ll know how full of @#$( they are.
That’s funny! I appreciate your anger! I’m angry, too.
Actually I thought of a volunteer possibility that was palatable to me and may be realistic.So I hope to turn lemons into lemonade.
Yes, exactly. Life becomes more palatable when sweetness is added.
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