I kinda suspect I’m going to have the schizophrenia diagnosis again at some point and feel I’ve recovered and hence stuck the bipolar DX on me. Or I’ve read to much on bipolar and told them things that made them think that.
That’s idiotic, sorry. My mom thinks I have bipolar type because sometimes I get a little hyper or irritable, but like, so does everyone at times. Pretty sure short bursts of hypomania are not only common, but healthy. That burst of energy that you get when you decide to start a new project or learn something new… I have never been manic, not even hypomanic. But like, mood swings are common in sz, not just sza, aren’t they? I remember reading that somewhere.
I just read the withdrawal symptoms exactly the symptoms I had when I went off then. Should have let it pass than go back on them
They’ve been debating whether I have a mood component or not for a while now. Basically every new pdoc has a new opinion on whether I have a mood disorder, or just moods.
It doesn’t affect my treatment in any way. Geodon can be a mood stabilizer as well as an antipsychotic, and I’m stable on it. So no changes. But it could explain why I react so badly to antidepressants. They always make me hallucinate. That’s not common for people with no mood disorder.
I don’t know, it could fit and could be wrong. It just hurts my pride about recovering from schizophrenia, if now they’re saying I never actually did that. Sza has a much better prognosis than sz, but who knows how much of that is because whenever someone recovers, they switch the diagnosis.
Maybe you can still tell people you recovered from “an episode of schizophrenia,” since apparently that’s been a thing since about the year 2000.
I think there’s a misunderstanding there. There’s a difference between schizophrenia and psychosis, and they do say about a third of schizophrenics fully recover.
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