I find it strange that people lead full, busy lives

Just how it is i live this way because i keep trying to better things but hit a brick wall every time. However still fighting

You’ll be alright if it’s all you’ve ever known then you should not miss anything.

I’m sorry @anon29983254 , it sounds like you’re going through a tough time.

If you don’t mind me asking, what meds are you currently on?

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Clopixol depot

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You should check out this thread.

Or maybe show the research in that thread to your doctor.

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Thanks @everhopeful my psychiatrist has just retired no replacement yet but i will bare that in mind

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@everhopeful sorry to go on but i suffer with detached and numbness which is part of my sz, like depersonalization so antidepressants make me even more impulsive an i get more suicidal on them

When i was on sertraline then venlafaxine then prozac i was overdosing every 2-3 months no lie , so it is scary changing meds

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Ah ok, maybe those antidepressants aren’t a good idea then.

Is there any reason you’re on an old med and not a newer one?

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Ive been on 6 ap’s


The only thing I can suggest is that exercise has a great amount of research behind it saying that it helps with both positive and negative symptoms.

But it can be impossible for some people. I don’t exercise myself.

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Thanks @everhopeful @Leaf @Moon @mangojuice etc
I appreciate your help and advice


I dont always succeed at any one given habit… not even brushing my teeth absolutely every single day… but it nice to have a palette of small habits to choose from… i can usually find one from my written list that i feel up to doing

Me too. I am asleep for a lot of the day very often.
I feel like a prisoner sometimes.

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