I feel unusually calm

I’ve started lamotragine and stopped Abilify … once I get to the goal dose of lamotragine ill start sertraline. But I do wonder if Abilify was the source of my worsened anxiety … I feel unusually at ease and calm now that I’m not on it

I was on ability for 9 years …on 10mg but 5mg the initial few years


It’s possible, Abilify made me super anxious.
Once I got off of it I was very calm.

Could be the Abilify @anon80629714

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I always had anxiety but feel it could have made it worst

Same here, the Abilify worsened my condition

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thanks @Wave im hoping the lamotragine has started to kick in for my anxiety too … its so weird I can’t remember feeling this light and my brain doesn’t feel cluttered

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Good luck with everything! :slightly_smiling_face:

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