I don't know what the hell is wrong with me

I’m not manic or hypo manic. I mostly look depressed or sad. I’m not myself. But then I switch between ok and upset and I don’t understand.

Mixed episodes. I’m sorry, they’re the absolute worst.

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Yesterday morning I was fine. Something little set me off I was in tears. An hour later I’m fine again. Then I’m trying to prank people into thinking I’m on the other side of the world. But now that I’m normal I feel ■■■■.

I get unstable like that when I feel a major episode coming on. Just be careful! Have you talked to your pdoc recently?

It’s hard to be seen when I need to I’m thinking I should go private just this once

Could it be warning sign of psychosis?

When I start having crying fits and crazy unstable behavior like that, psychosis is much more likely, but not guaranteed. Just be careful.

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What i was trying to say is thT is this a sign of schiz do I need anti ps or a sign of depression and mania can I take mood stabilisers

If I’m in a critical state in which I’m fearful that I might slip into psychosis, I usually take APs because they work quickly and insure that I don’t end up in the hospital.

Mood stabilizers take a while to work for me. I take them to prevent myself from getting into a bad spot, but if I’m already critical, then I prefer APs.

You should probably consult your pdoc though. I went psychotic at work before. Talk about a disaster for your reputation and career. I still really havn’t gotten over that.