I don't know about you but I wasn't ready for college when I was younger

I enrolled in college when I was 23 and that was a good age for me to go. I went for one day when I was 18 and I wasn’t ready. I was too young and I was overwhelmed with the people and being on campus. When I was 23 I was a little bit older and more mature and I could be in the same room with 18 and 19 year olds. I took 3 classes and then stopped. I didn’t go back until I was 30 and I was worried I would be too old but that was a good age. I was older and the young people there seemed like kids to me and there were other older people there.


I started college at 18 years old. I took whatever classes I thought I needed. It wasn’t perfect. I thought I wanted to do business.

I ended up trying math. It was hard. I dropped out at 22-23 I think.

I found beauty in math.

I’m 34 years old now. Not sure if it’s practical or realistic. I only need 1-2 classes for an AS degree. BA would be nice but don’t know…don’t think I want a Master’s degree, although you never know…


Was I ready?

  1. When I earned my 2 year degree in electronics, I think I was ready to get a vocational education and some kind of job, and I did.

  2. When I earned my B.S. in computer science, I think that my main goal was becoming educated, especially about computing, particularly since it seemed as if we were going to be wearing computers in the future, which started 4 years after graduation with smart phones. I think that I was ready to become more educated about computers. I don’t think that I was ready to be basically asked to keep narrowing down a field of specialization until I became a highly specialized corporate cog, as in many master degree students.

  3. I’m now pursuing my B.A. in Chemistry. This time, I think I’m committed enough to the field to pursue it, even if I might end up with a bunch of student loans, and flipping hash browns at Waffle House with some kind of Chemistry-related doctorate.

So, I guess, with time, I’ve become more “ready.”


I started with remedial English and intermediate algebra. I also took intro to computer information systems which was just windows and office basically.


Commuting is an option, you don’t have to live on campus. I didn’t.

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I went to college straight after leaving high school and didnt feel ready… wish id been able to have a years sabbatical to consider what i wanted to do with my life.


I went to a private school that used the French system. I had one year left to complete my Baccalauréat when I was expelled for smoking weed between the breaks. I then went to a CEGEP that was a bit far away from my House and studied Administration but it wasn’t my cup of tea. As everyone left the House during the day, I would stay in, welcome friends and smoke more joints while my Parents were at work and sister at school.

Then in 2009 I decided I would study video games. I enrolled at the now-defunct Campus Ubisoft but I wasn’t on any meds at the time so I ended up on the ward in the middle of my studies, forced there by Police and apparently my Parents…

I came back to the same school, studying Level Design, now named Campus ADN but still dropped out before the end.

Then finally the stars aligned and I found a program I was Passionate about. It was called Independent Video Game Design. I completed 3 Semesters and on the 4th one I had to take a break… I came back the following year and finally got my sought-after diploma. It hangs on the wall on top of my Desk.

Yeah it can take time to figure what you wanna do with your studies, it’s a lot of work. :grinning:


I wasn’t ready for college for the few semesters I went. I wasn’t smart enough so I dropped out.


I wasn’t ready at all. I was a fetus.


I think that’s common. I felt dumb as ■■■■ going to college. I once got a 2.5% on a midterm in abstract algebra. I got C’s in my upper division courses. At least I passed. I regret taking my Probability course (3 units) for a Pass, could have gotten a C or C- or something, but didn’t want to risk my GPA going lower than it was already. I think I dropped out with a 2.7 or 2.9 if I recall. I just wanted a 3.0 or above. That’s overall GPA. My math major GPA consisted of Cs so maybe in the low 2.0s. I got schizophrenia so I dropped out. I felt stupid.

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Congrats, @ekoms ! I hope to some day be a graduate too some day. I would be proud of my degree and I too would hang it up in my room.

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First time I went, I was 20, second time I went I was 22, and third and final attempt (when I graduated) I was 24. I enjoyed it when I was 24


Yeah thanks man @anon36577941.

I haven’t put the diploma to good use, I’m afraid I’ll lose my benefits if I work and if I can’t do full-time I’ll have to go back on disability. Right now I’m looking for a full-time job since there aren’t any opportunities in the video game industry for part-time jobs. I’m ready to take the plunge, even if I have to start at the bottom of the ladder. :sweat_smile:


I was too sick to go to college after high school graduation (I was in the state hospital for 5 months that year). I worked on an associates degree for about 8 years, then when I was 35 I went back to school and got my bachelor’s then my master’s. It was kind of fun at that point cuz I was well enough to enjoy the learning process and was less stressed about social pressures and “fitting in”. I wish I could’ve done a doctorate but after 3 years of back to back schooling I really didn’t want to get any more student loans. Luckily my student loans that I did have were discharged due to a total and permanent disability statement from my care team.


Yes, I was still immature at 18 when I went to college. It hurt me socially more than anything else.


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