I don't call myself schizophrenic

…neither a person with schizophrenia or a person who have schizophrenia. You may think that I don’t accept my diagnosis or label and, yes, I don’t. It doesn’t mean I don’t take medicines or that I’m not involved in my treatment. I go see my psychiatrist every 2-3 months and, despite I can’t pay for a good therapist right now, if I had the money, I would go to therapy every week or every day if possible. And I wouldn’t do it because I think I have a problem, but because I want my life to get better.

When you say to yourself “I’m schizophrenic”, you’re attaching your identity to schizophrenia. You’re practically saying you are schizophrenia. The truth is you’re a human being.

When you say “I have schizophrenia” or “I’m a person with schizophrenia” you’re bearing a thing that you didn’t necessarily accept to bear. But you may think “but I have the genes of schizophrenia, then I have schizophrenia.” You should notice that there are no enough evidences to say that schizophrenia is really a genetic “disease.” Even it was true it is genetic, DSM-V would diagnose you not by your behaviours, but by a DNA test. Scientists can’t conclude nothing yet. But even if you believe it’s genetic, epigenetics have proofs you can change your genes.

That’s why I just say I was diagnosed with schizophrenia. It doesn’t mean I’m this disease or that I have this disease, but just that a crazy psychiatrist thought I was crazier than him.


I think we play with words and synonyms here.
I see no difference between the term “schizophrenic” and “patient with schizophrenia”

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I like to call it “my brain thing”

Doctors can’t agree what to call it, so I’m calling it my own.

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There is a huge difference, buddy.

Schizophrenic = you are schizophrenia (your identity is the disease)

A person with schizophrenia means she bears schizophrenia, a disease, and not that her entire identity is schizophrenia.

A person who was diagnosed with schizophrenia means her current state is not necessarily schizophrenia anymore.

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I don’t agree, mate.

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Huge! 1515151515151515

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It’s okay. But do you want to explain why?

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Yes, sure. I think they’re synonyms.
Person with schizophrenia is schizophrenia.
Person with smart brain is smart.
It depends if you like to describe your situation with many words or with one and only.
I don’t like many words. Just one is fine. Schizophrenic is fine.

I feel the same and agree 100% @DelusionalSoldier we are not labels of this


I wised off to my boss an hour ago and he called me a prick. IYO, am I just a person with a prick and schizophrenia?
Or am I a schizophrenic prick?

Confused in California.

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