I can’t take medicine anymore

No matter what may happen. Its been too long. Its been too much. I started taking antipsychotics at age 11. Im scared ive ruined my heart and am prob on my way to a scary fate. Since the abilify my fitbit heart health dropped a ton. In just a couple months. A bigger fluctuation than ive ever had in like 6 years. My EKG showed inverted Twaves. Who knows what damage chronic constipation has done to my insides. I dont feel like im gonna live a long life after all this. Im angry at drs. And pharmaceutical companies. I walk leaning to the left. My left arm doesn’t swing. My memory is gone. I feel brain damaged. I feel like i lost 20 iq points since my teens. No more. Im gonna go to a doctor to get my heart fully checked out and get this pain in my rear pelvis checked then im done with drs. I will just get the occasional screenings. That is it. Im not taking anymore of their drugs.


It sounds like you’re screwed either way.

it must be just your particular reaction to medication that’s worse than other people or maybe because you started taking meds so young because I’ve been taking meds for 43 years. I got health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol but they’re all being controlled by the proper medication and I just got a full check up and my A1C is down and my blood pressure and cholesterol are down.

I’m committed to taking medication “til death do I part.” Medication may have shrunken my brain like some people claim but I still graduated college this year, drive, work and live mostly independently. You sure your health problems aren’t genetic and maybe it’s still worth taking medication?


I really agree with you in the fact that my IQ has taken a turn down into the abyssal while on those drugs. We need new and better treatments for this devastating condition.

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I understand. I sometimes feel like throwing in the towel when it comes to meds. Ive done it a few times in the past but not for years. Ive resigned to taking them indefinitely for the time being. Maybe if im conpletelu stable for like at least another 10 years I’ll give it another go.
I started ap meds at 16. Cant imagine being on olanzapine or something at 11 years old. Must have been terrible. Anyway, hope your physical health stuff clears up soon. Good luck.


yeah my first drug was risperdal at 11, and olanzapine at 11 or 12.


Its possible that someone can be on medication and not have symptoms or side effects. It does not mean that your beliefs or will power can alter whether or not it works. I would hold off on quitting until you speak with your doctor. I stopped the pills for a month and now I have to start up taking them again. Im ok. Nothing dangerous or bad happened. But if you have diabetes, and ur physical health and blood sugar, glucose, histamine receptors are influenced by the medications, the stress levels. Better advice would be to reduce the medication. If its all or nothing you could end up in the hospital.


Yeah you should go back on your meds. Its not a weakness to be unable to defeat capitalism.

How old are you now?

mid 30s 1515151515

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I suggest yoga and meditation, with a high quality protein drink (with essential amino acids) and find a medicine that works for you. Your mind and body can surely handle something that’s available.

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If youve been on them that long its probably worse to be off them. Get a goid physical checkup with your doctor and see what you can do

^ Yeah, maybe same med if it’s what you’re used to.

@irrelevant for God’s sake take your meds…if you become full blown psychotic you could lose everything…including your health…stay on your meds !!

I’m sorry you’re suffering so much. I can relate to the bad memory. Could you scale back slowly on the med a bit, just enough to curb the symptoms without leaving you too unstable? Heart problems must be scary. Sometimes I get stinging pains in my heart but my EKG turned up nothing unusual. I’ve been on anti-psychotics since 2007 or 2008. I got fat and got diabetes. Ozempic isn’t available right now. There’s a few side effects I can’t stand. O well…

I can understand you want off meds, and maybe you should try, but be careful. You may be dependant on the drug, so quitting suddenly can be dangerous, especially if your health is not good. I would explain your concern to a doctor and try to work out a reduction plan for the drugs.

This makes me cry.


I find that im not as creative because of the meds also it effects my spirituality


Have you considered that maybe your health problems are caused by going on and off your medication so much?

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I dont think thats the cause. i read that antipsychotics can cause inverted t waves. i hope thats the cause 'cause the other cause is lack of blood flow to the heart. and i have had some chest pain when walking distancances .

Dont panic or get overly stressed. Maybe ask to take a break to get in shape and request PRN for symptoms that may arise. You have to do everything right. Low salt. Low carbs. Fruit and veg. Moderate intnsity exercise. No smoking. Sleep and rest lots. Water.

I’m in the same boat as you. I stopped meds a year ago and ■■■■ hit the fan and im back on.