I can feel QT prolongation problems, what should I do?

P.s. Cant see my psychiatrist cause she quit her job at the clinic. So today I did workout, as smoked quite a bit. I just put myself into bed and felt irregular ryth of the heart, like struggling to beat for few beats. Now everything is alright. Im on haloperidol and escitalopram, I know it can cause QT prolongation, but this is scary, should i stop escitalopram? Haldol is a lifesaver and escitalopram also. I used to have these mini heart attacks a lot in the past with risperidone + escitalopram combo, I just recently came back on escitalopram. Escitalopram makes me not suicidal and I actually im motivated to do things, I tried quite few antidepressants and apprantlt all SSRIs cause QT prolongation with haloperidol

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I had that on abilify.

Are you getting a new pdoc?

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I suggest going to the ER immediately. Based on your history, you may want to get medical attention as soon as possible.

Dont know if theres gonna be replacement soon, there are currently 1 pdoc at my clinic who is incompetent

Dont know what they gonna do anyways, they just say its just irregular heart rythm and shoo me away. Im in eastern europe anyway, they wont take me seriously when ill tell themI have sz

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Hoe dangerous is it? Should i be worried?

Long QT cardiac rhythms can cause the heart to stop. It’s very serious. You need to see a dr about it as soon as possible

Could be your healthy way of work out…

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