@eighteyedspy23 is on break.
And i can pretty much guarantee that he doesn’t hate you.
You were just spelling his name wrong.
Also, you need to make a space between the @ and the previous word. Typing@formalname does nothing. Typing @anon51414962 is what works.
Thanks Led. But when I put his name it doesn’t work, I can’t find him
That’s because he asked for a suspension, so his name won’t show up until the 13th when he comes back.
You can still @ people who are suspended. You just need a space before the @.
Is it possible to mute mods? @Ninjastar?
Oh yes, we get muted all the time.
Nope. Just tried.
Weird. It gave me a notification then took it away!
Users mute us, but if we send official warnings, I think they’re still notified.
I didn’t even know you could mute someone here. Well at any rate he’s probably seen your apology so it’s up to him now.
How do you mute someone?
Click the gear in the notifications drop down menu to get into your account settings. Then in the drop down that says Account choose Notifications. It’s at the very bottom.
Thanks. 15151515
Hi @anon51414962. I’m not sure what you’re talking about. I’ve never muted anyone, I don’t even know what this means.
I like you, I pretty much like everyone, although I may not agree with everyone’s posts at times.
But I don’t have any real huge issues with anyone and I certainly don’t hate anyone.
One of the reasons I chose to leave was that I felt I just needed to take a step back and do some stuff in my life with my GF.
No one has offended me to the point I wanted to cause them any harm.
And if I ever overstepped anyone’s personal space, I apologize and will do my best to more careful with everything I post.
Welcome back buddy
Hello- glad to be back @anon20318121 . I will post a message in a few minutes.