I am the undisputed master of baking!

Oh man, I worked hard these last two days. Behold:

Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies

Panna cotta brain with gummy blood

Pumpkin cheesecakes with nutmeg whipped cream

Pumpkin spice latte cookies

This is how I get ready for parties!


that is impressive, seriously that is pretty cool! I feel like a gourmet chef when I sear a steak super raw and then leave the dirty pan in the sink


omg, your rival my mother!

happy fall.


I agree you are the undisputed queen of baking! I knew that when you posted a picture of your hummingbird cupcakes you made for your husband’s fire crew! But these look absolutely great!

I wish you could send me some. In Australia we don’t do nearly enough with pumpkin in our baking. The most I can think of is pumpkin scones.

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The fruit juice in the icing started to separate after a day and a half. I wouldn’t recommend doing it unless all the cupcakes will be eaten the same day. But hey, live and learn. I am most proud of the pumpkin spice latte cookies, because I didn’t use a recipe really. But cookies are all the same basic recipe repeated to infinity anyways, so it’s not really anything new.


What about that brain! You have to be proud of that! It looks like it should be on hannibal lecter’s table!

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Yeah, I am proud of that, but it’s a yearly tradition, so it’s old news by now. The blood is my own fake blood creation from my film school days. It’s Kool-aid and jello.

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Come cook for meeeeeeeeeeeeee :crying_cat_face:

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I swear, half the reason I bake is just because compliments sustain me. If I’m ever feeling bad about myself, I just whip up a tasty treat and feed it to people.

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That brain is brilliant! :smile:


I licked the monitor :blush:


Santa Claus is totally getting in on this party of yours.


did you buy a mold for the brain? my friend collects brain stuff and I would like to show her how to buy one.?

@Ninjastar you are a phenomenal baker ! I just thought I’d ask again if you would show me how to order the brain mold ? I didn’t mark your name in the call out.

Teh heh heh…

So @Ninjastar enjoys masterbaking! :wink:


These look ■■■■■■■ AMAZING and pumpkin cookies sound delicious.

I would dispute that assertion. I make a mean pan of hot baked custard.

The brain scares me. The cookies look awesome. :grinning:

I bought mine at the thrift store, but here is one on Amazon

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I’m locking my doors tonight