I am scared of evolution 🧬

It’s the smartest thing on the planet. Which we have no control of. But our subconscious captures it.

What do you guys think of evolution? And how does it work ?


I think the idea behind evolution is a combination of ‘survival of the fittest’ and ‘variation’.

That’s how I remember Charles Darwin evolution theory.


What’s the definition of fittest?

I did not get you about the variation. What’s that ?

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I believe evolution is much messier than any theory makes it out to be. Especially in humans.

Just to illustrate my point:

The smartest, most physically fit, adaptable person could die in a car accident tomorrow. or be murdered, or any other of a million ways there are to die out there. Thus leaving the fittest unable to survive and reproduce.

And by the same token, a person on the opposite side of the scale, could survive in todays world and live to reproduce.

The whole theory is very messy , IMO, especially when applied to humans in todays world.


I would define fittest as those who are best able to adapt to new circumstances and thrive. Fittest is defined as those who have the best chance of survival.

Variation refers to random mutations in offspring.

But as @Bowens says it’s not an unchallenged theory. But I like the simplicity of its basic version.

There is also a difference at the individual level and the population level.




It’s a funny video.

It reminds me of why Elon Musk has so many kids. He wants more people with higher intelligence.


There is some truth to it though. In todays world, do more adaptable people necessarily have a greater chance to survive and procreate?

Do more attractive looking people necessarily have any traits that are really above someone who is not that attractive? Not to say that everyone finds a mate based solely on that, but it is certainly a factor and influences selection.

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So maybe in 500 years people will be prettier and prettier :grinning:


I have heard of a :crown: . it’s believed that 1 in 200 men carry Khan’s Y chromosome. :astonished:

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I feel everyone does not like a single person’s look. Maybe it’s after all about looks.

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The trend will change who will set the trend or who is setting up the trend :thinking:

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I think the next step in evolution might be enhanced brains with a NeuraLink brainchip from Elon Musk.

But I don’t want to think too much about that.


I am going to name the term Collective Braining :sweat_smile:

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I saw some videos about this, its not the fittest but more adaptation wise


It happens very slowly, I am not worried about anything drastic happening in the next few centuries, especially since I’ll be dead by the time something does.

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I read somewhere evolution happens in days or even in hours time.
Docs call it miracle or I can be wrong on the miracle part.

How Long Does Evolution Take? | AMNH.

I think human as a whole is collection of organisms so called organs can mutate.

Yes, but not like the X-Men. Your illness is making you fixate again. Have a cup of tea and relax.



Thanks , Lol I got be the Xmen from the school

Screenshot from 2024-03-31 20-44-51

I live on the outskirts of Shrewsbury which is where Charles Darwin was born raised and lived. You can’t go anywhere here without seeing monuments dedicated to him. We hear a lot about it here and I like that.

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