I am scared of evolution šŸ§¬

Evolution works like this

Letā€™s say we have three deer. Some have longer legs than others, making them faster. A lion starts to charge at the deer. The fastest ones escape the lion while the slower one is hunted by the lion. The fast deer moves on to mate and have more fast babies. Over time this system works and deer get longer legs for faster running. Eventually this system turns the deer into a new species.

Itā€™s all about natural selection and mutations.


Yesā€¦evolution creeps along at a very slow pace, but stupid can leap frog over evolution on a timescale that is almost instantaneous in comparison. Given the rate of advances in technology, the caveat to slow evolutionary timescales is that a small number of very stupid people can literally, in a split second, make a decision that can lead to the entire Planet Earth getting the so-called ā€œDarwin Awardā€. :unamused:


Why worry about something that is just natural and going to happen regardless? Besides the known effects of evolution can only be observed over a long period of time.


Iā€™m scared of people who deny evolution :roll_eyes:


I used to love this song so much :smile:

Reminds me of ā€œize of the worldā€ by the strokes


i confused myself by the end typing this so it might sound odd. but also if you think about war long times ago like even back to ancient days of swordfighting before guns type stuff many of the strongest people die valiantly because anyone can be outnumbered or make a mistake while the weak are free to stay in protected villages and have kids and afamily. i guess the strong could have kids before they die but considering status they may grow up even more protected and not retain traits through generations and be weaker than those who were never gifted or excelling at anything difficult


I donā€™t know how evolution works with sim theory, probably doesnā€™t. Richard Dawkins talked about the idea and said the simulators or programmers in base reality would have to follow Darwinian evolution. Not sure if I agree. I like the idea of sim theory because it makes me think there is a God or creator.

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