They all have jobs except me, I feel like they mocking me for that behind my back. I used to work on lower dose meds but had positive symptoms, anger issues and illogical thoughts. Idk how I was able to keep a job for 1yr while having such symptoms. Is it worth it to have those symptoms only to be able to work? Honestly I don’t think so but sometimes do.
I wouldn’t want to be hallucinating even if it meant I could work becauae id be worried it would get out of control.
As for thinking your friends are talking about your back; are you sure it is not paranoia?
No, I just feel like they think I am dumb from sz and because I can’t work. I told them about my sz.
I hate not working too I don’t think ppl are mocking me however I feel like I’m capable of doing more and my therapist agrees and is trying to help me find work
I think i can understand, is there a chance to reduce your respiridone but also keep symptoms away?
My only issue preventing me from work is that i cant wake up on time. Otherwise my current combo of abilify 15mg and fluoxetine 20mg helps
I wish there was, everytime I tried to reduce meds even by 1mg I get some of those symptoms.
I see. Did you ever manage to try cariprazine/vrayar? Last time i was on this website. You were waiting on vraylar
Insurance refused to cover it sadly. But I also heard its a much weaker med vs risperidone.
I see, that is really unfortunate. I guess the only thing you can do about your situation is to continue keeping your mind sharp. That way your friends dont feel the need to belittle your intellect.
Is it still possible to study for you? Maybe take up a hobby of reading and solving problems in the readings. @Jonathan2 is a good example, he likes to continue learning despite the illness.
Im also studying, i find it keeps me sharper and happier because i enjoy what i read
My parents don’t want to pay for my studies.
Vraylar for me was a disaster idk it affects everybody differently but for me it was the worst feeling ever I felt zero emotions like absolutely none than I cracked up and went to the hospital I could of won 5 billion dollars and wouldn’t of cared I had that little of emotions I didn’t think antipsychotic’s could do that
Im sorry to hear that, i hope your current combo helps
Yep haldol lamictal Wellbutrin and clonazapam is a amazing combo for me but I hear it’s not good for everyone especially the haldol but it helps so much and truly saved my life
I meant, by studying books/online and not actually a real course.
Before starting my course i did a book on differentials equations.
You’re good at biology right? It could be fun to go back to your older textbooks.
This way you stay sharp.
I recently read 150 pages of a molecular biology book, need to get back to it. Its 1700 pages.
Nice! I know its tough to stay motivated but thats really good stuff and definitely a good use of time. It’ll help you stay sharp but also keep you mentally engaged and you can enjoy yourself mentally too. Its like gaming but without the gamepad.
I love gaming, I game everyday Call of Duty mostly.
Well before I had sz I was in a group of friends and one of the friend didnt work and was on disability because he has crohns disease I never thought less of him for not working I just figured he was sick and couldnt work I dont know what our other friends thought
Thats awesome, add the reading to your gaming hobby and you’ll feel more relaxed and hopefully your feeling of friends not thinking your smart will subside.
Before i did the book on differentials i felt like my brothers looked down on me, but then as i got on with it, i slowly forgot about that mindset/feeling
I’m jealous of people who can run when I have never been able to. It doesn’t make me feel any better and it doesn’t make my life better, so I try to move on to more positive emotions.