I am going to seek same sex marriage

haha, idk. you started talking about kids.

I did not start, @Resilient1 started.
His message was deleted.

My best friends gay he isnā€™t flamboyant except when he gets really pissed or sum ā– ā– ā– ā–  he starts acting feminine. I once made fun of him for it like I said ā€œOH NO NOT A HILL!!ā€ In a really heavy lisp and he got pissed but not too badly I mean he tries to act masculine but feminity always slips out of him in inopportune times. Lol itā€™s noticeableā€¦he didnā€™t tell me he was gay till a month after we began hanging out. But seriously, what kind of straight dude lights candles every time they go in a computer room instead of just putting a light on? Yeah wasobvious, aside from the fact my therapist told me ā€œisnā€™t he gay??ā€ ā€œBy the way, donā€™t tell him I said he was gayā€. So I knew but I donā€™t think I woulda known if not for my therapist. The candles thing was a joke but I said that to my friend onceā€¦ and he once told me most his friends r females but he seems to like me maybe even better. As a friend. Some times will say gay stuff Idk if he realizes. Sometimes I will say ā€œwow that isā€¦ā€ and Iā€™ll stop myself and heā€™ll say ā€œitā€™s really gay!!ā€ When I brought my friend Ashley around him to hang out Ashley said some homophobic things, honestly bothered me more than Charlie probablyā€¦at least thatā€™s what I said when Charlie said it hadnā€™t bothered him ā€œit probably bothered me more than uā€.

Iā€™m never gonna be gay but Iā€™m not homophobic at all past a joking level after my good friend came out as being gay.

does anybody say, ā€œThatā€™s really gay.ā€ anymore.

I havenā€™t heard it in years.

they usually say, ā€œThatā€™s really retarded.ā€ and then get ready for a mom to get mad.

Heā€™s a good looking guy

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thanks heā€™s my puppy dog,

heā€™s so cute.

iā€™d like to have kids some day, i want to marry a beautiful woman with long hair, smart, funny and charming


sorry, Iā€™m infertile. just kidding, honey. but yes I am.

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@Chess24 I hope you can find someone to share your life with who makes you feel happy and contentā€¦


is mitch or cam the pitcher or are they versatile?

How on earth is this relevant?

@Daze , iā€™d sink a beer with you :slight_smile:

catcher passive partner in anal intercourse as opposed to pitcher

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ha, you can, Iā€™ll have a Coke and get a good sugar rush.

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Dude. Iā€™m gay. I know what he said and I know who Cam and Mitch are. I was asking how the crap the sexual preferences of two gay characters in a US comedy show are relevant when weā€™re talking about gay parents.

The post came out as directed to you but wasnā€™t aimed solely at you . Calm down.

I know it wasnā€™t directed at me. But Iā€™m pretty effing tired of some people bringing up what gay people do in bed in every conversation about gay people. Itā€™s offensive, judgmental and inappropriate.

If you knew how often people do this to you when youā€™re gay, youā€™d understand my frustration. Itā€™s like weā€™re walking porn references instead of real people with normal, loving relationships.


guess its a touchy subject then :confused: :roll_eyes: lol