I manage my money very well. I save quite a bit a month but because I failed a capacity assessment by a psychologist what was out to get me and asking capacity questions totally unrelated to everyday life social services took me to court and took control off my money.
On the other hand a guy I live with passed his capacity assessment, Is £27.000 in debt to social services for care costs run up over 5 years, he hasn’t paid a penny, numerous other debts, has a chronic gambling addiction and is always asking me for money. Yet he has capacity. it doesn’t make sense. I have no debt, was managing quite well before the capacity assessment, had credit cards which were well managed.
I lack that much capacity with my money I’m trusted with £2000 to last me a month in Sri Lanka and budget efficiently over the month. Its bullcrap.
I get it. The government forced me to have a payee representative too. I asked them to let it be my husband and they agreed.
However, my money has to be deposited in an account that does NOT have my name on it. My husband will lose the rights if he lets me control or have access to my money unless it’s just spending money he gives me each month.
It sucks. Big time.
And, if I want control of my money my Dr has to tell them my condition improved, which means I’m no longer disabled and I’ll lose my benefits. My pdoc says I still need benefits, so it’s a no-go.
Social services put a marker on my 700 point credit score saying this person is under a court appointed deputyship and not to give him credit… I now can’t even get a mobile phone contract. Legally I can’t even sign for a housing tenancy agreement because I lack capacity.
I know that they did this because when I received a huge amount of money from my father estate when he passed some years ago I blew it all on drugs and expensive hotel rooms with my male lover. The suite was £200 a night. I regret that because I should of invested the money and I feel like I let my father down.
You spend a lot of posts telling us you are mentally disabled and unfit to be responsible. It is easy for you to save because you have an excess amount of money. More than you need to survive. Plus you have close guidance managing your money. If you didn’t have those things you’d be in a bad spot. Best to accept what’s working for you and think about other things. You’ve got a problem free life. Who wouldn’t want that.