
Have been experiencing some brief spells of hyperventilation .Anxious, but not sure why I’m anxious.

Are you catastrophizing things? You do tend to worry about small things until they become big things, at least to you. (Not criticizing, it’s a big problem for many and hard to overcome.)


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It’s a good point, certainly not one I can readily dismiss. The lower back pain is for real. The feeling that, even without back pain, life is never going to go back to normal almost certainly has a catastrophising element to it. It’s hard for me to look beyond the current situation.

That hasn’t been helped by such things as Covidiots and governmental incompetence.

Sorry to hear about your hyperventilating and back pain. I can sympathize as I have osteoarthritis in my lower back, left hip & knee. It’s hard to be in a good mood when you are hurting.

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Thanks , mine has been described as ‘age related wear and tear’ self admittedly not helped by being more than a little obese. There’s little to no pain sitting down , but something like putting the washing away can involve doing a bit, sitting on the bed for a bit because I ache, and then doing some more.

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It mostly hits me when I walk. Also when I bend over to sweep the stuff on the floor into the dustpan.

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Definitely walking. Also something like standing over the bathroom basin to wash my hair.

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