limited resourses
When i become psychotic , i have rhis problem. I am male and doctors generally classify this as tactile sympthoms. It is a phenomenon in itself , even outside of psychosis , so there is a definite bio chemical foundation for this. Look up psas or persistent sexual arousal syndrome. All will become clear. Your antipsychotic should largely taken care of this. Treatment for people that do not become psychotic , is usually ssri’s and anticonvulsants. My antipsychotic has largely taken care of this problem. If your not on a ssri , it maybe worth a shot as an adjunctive treatment,
Dont push hard for a diagnosis of psas , because you suffer from a psychotic disorder , doctors will alwaya view these as tacticle hallucinations. Anyway im guessing tou just want these sensations to stop and an adjunct of a ssri may help.
Good luck
If it really bothers you, maybe you could find a med. that kills your sex drive. The med’s I’m on have decreased my sex drive.
i masturbated twice yesterday,in 30min??i cant give you advice,but girls can rub it out right??
Wow, I need a little of your hypersexuality because I have no sex drive at all and sorely need it! But I understand how you feel because I have been hypomanic before and horny and all that, and it is uncomfortable. Crimby has some good advice - find a med that kills your sex drive a little off. But I think definitely tell your doctor. I discussed my sex life with my pdoc as well, it is a confidential thing but a doctor is there to help. Hope you feel better soon!
I hope we all get the help we need. I need a better sex life and we are working on it.
A small amount of calisthenics helps, pushups, sit-ups, squats…to help moderate that
Yes, sometimes I’ve had much the same stuff as you describe.
You don’t want it to turn into sex addiction. Sex addiction is as real as alcoholism, drug addiction, or an over-eating addiction. Careful.
Do you know of any specific ones? @Dreamscape
Well, I am married @crimby I don’t want to kill it! O.o
Yes! Thank you, why didn’t I think of that? I do great with exercise as a distraction.
That is what I worry about @77nick77. I used to have one just luckily, at the time I had no vehicle, was in the middle of nowhere being babysat (don’t ask). Otherwise I would be divorced now…
Dear Gwen777
I know this problem well. Without Abilify the hypersexuality is there.
I would like to discuss this problem in further details.
best wishes