good morning/good evening. how are you guys, do share.
Good morning. I’m doing fine. Just bored. Forum is slow right now and I can’t seem to find anything else to do. Guess thats what you get at 1:45 in the morning.
i found music to be helpfull for late nights boredom. what are you usually listening to?
I’m having an ok morning compared to normal mornings.
Haven’t slept. Studied at a desk and properly for the first time since the June ish and I’m still wide awake because of the caffeine
just the hum of my computer…lol. I don’t have any music on atm.
Great jake. What makes this morning good?
@anon1466656 i hear you there. I do miss those late nights studying sessions. There was confort in them
Haha . My laptop is the same these days
I’m hearing less voices this morning. I’m on here as well.
I hope your voices will be quiet, today, tommorow and all the days after that
Good morning I’m just waking up and having coffee.
Good morning, im having coffee too, black with milk. How do you take yours?
Milk no sugar. 1515151515
What subject was it? If you don’t mind that is,
I rather not say , if thats ok.
Now i want to study psychology
It’s an interesting subject, I hope circumstances permit it!
thank you @anon1466656 for the encourgement!!
It’s evening here where I am, but I’m doing fine… just trying out audiobooks to pass time. It’s a convenient entertainment while doing chores I suppose
Great way to combine choirs with fun!
What type of books are you intrested in?
Oh whatever comes to my attention… don’t read too often. Can’t concentrate…