How to shave your beard like a man


I already have a kick ass mo and it’s coming up to Movember over here where everyone will have one so it’s back to the beard for me. I’ve had my last shave for a couple of months.


Awesome, I wouldn’t call myself a man but I hate shaving, having a beard just feels more natural. But I don’t hate on peeps who do shave it’s all personal preference anyways.


Haha! I see a lot more men in my area growing beards and goattees.

I have a very short beard currently.

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I bought a beard trimmer on Amazon recently its alot better than shaving

I like the beard trimmer too

The barber here charges $40 for beard and hairtrim. I got a trimmer but its so much nicer to get it done.

I get disgusted by my beard and I like it when I shave it off takes it time tho before I actually do it

Beards dont suit me at all - I always look like a tramp, and can never get over that initial itch when its growing out.

I wish I didn’t have to shave.(and not because I want a beard like the bloke i the video).

I pay $18.00 for just a haircut. My barber will now shave you, but I don’t know what the price is. I not sure if he trims beards or not.

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It seems people in my area: people with facial hair are not to be emulated… idk… it’s been 3 weeks and I already need a haircut again to keep up with these people

I have a closely trimmed Van Dyk. A full beard would not fit my facial features.

Is that the guy from epic meal time? I don’t know that I’d take advice from him in this area lol.

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Haha yeah Is a funny joke :blush:

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my beard is more Amish-style I guess lol not very well kept, not really full…just kinda there and super scraggly. Oh well, I like it


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