How to order Western food? Teach me please

My fist love is salmon sushi. (any sushi really… even eel.)

I’m in Seattle… northwest area and there is a lot of salmon here.

My second love is noodle soup. Any sort of noodles in soup.

I don’t eat beef or pork at all in anything… It makes me feel ill.

The type of burgers I like are salmon burgers or garden burgers.

There is also the third largest international dist. on the west coast with a very large Asian community in Seattle. I appreciate the knowledge, and the cultures that our city embraces.

In Japanese, I think it is called Sake Sashimi (oops, just performed Yahoo! search, it is Sake Sushi) – Sake = Salmon. I love Sake Sushi more than other Sushi, too.
So you do love noodle soup! Wonder how your life is in the America with these oriental food. :blush:

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