All is good with me. Just chillin. Relaxin.
Doing good. Sold an item I don’t need on ebay. Lost a little but it’s more spending money for later in the week. Mentally solid. No complaints.
Soon to cook dinner for the old boy and I. Chicken schnitzel with a hash brown and colesaw…Simple but nice…Then early to bed for a 4 am start tomorrow!
I’m ok, but I feel really tired today because of medication.
Feeling ok, been up for a while. Had a roasted sandwich.
Dont know what to do, but need to look for jobs.
Yea it’s good to get rid of those things and just sell them. The real value comes out of the fact ur avoiding clutter enjoi ur coleslaw and hashbrown etc.
Sorry u feel tired. I’ve been off meds for about 2 years and I’m still tried all the time. Must be one of the symptoms of being a human being as well hang in der !
Why don’t u look for a job at subway so u can surround yourself with roast sandwiches anyways good luck lol
Good idea been thinking about pizzerias actually! Pizzas are <3
I’m on meds since I was 19 years old.
No offense, but I’m on here ain’t I?
Heyyy nick. Thanks for always replying to my stuff, I see u as a loyal friend to me here actually ^^
Yea I was on meds for 8 years about
Since age 13, I’m 23 now
Riggggght? Lol my friend works at a pizza place and she gets some for free. Lol hope u find a place like that.
Very bad my life is worthless
Yeah that would’ve been perfect!
Yea but video games and internet makes life worth living don’t it lol
Today my sister and my two nieces are visiting me and mum and dad and we are all going out for a big pizza lunch
Shall I have desert I fancy chocolate brownies and ice cream
I am going to play a lot in my life. I still have some years to play… so I will use my time on playing sc2
Just chilling at work was booked off sick with gastro yesterday and its a quite day today, still trying to quit smoking but going nowhere with that slowly
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