How old were you when you were dx’d

I was diagnosed around 20ish didnt get on meds?until I was 26 or 27

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18 drug induced psychosis

25 paranoid sz

Turns out the drugs contributed but when I came off the APs and quit drugs psychosis kept coming back

Was ill for 3/4 years before I was 25

I got sick when I was nineteen and received treatment at twenty eight. I had lots of different diagnosis until schizophrenia at thirty four.

I had symptoms I think since childhood, but I had a total breakdown in college, although I didn’t get treated for it. That was at age 23. At age 31 I was hospitalized and diagnosed with severe MDD. A year later that was changed to bipolar. And two years later that was changed to sza bipolar type. And there it has remained for the last 30 years.

I was 24 close to 25.


Enough Christmas :gift:

my sweet 21 lol

my first dx was schizophrenia then moved around and now back to it from my new doctor as well.

my new doc thought i dont have sz and now he has dxd as sz.

I was diagnosed at 20. But I’ve been experiencing atypical phenomena since I was like 7.

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I was about 22. Started with delusions that I was being watched and people were making fun of me on Facebook.

Had the break at 20 in 2012.

I was 21 years old

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My first mental health dx was at age 5, that was OCD. At 14 I had a psychotic break but I am not sure what my official dx was. I think just depression. Age 16, dx’ed with a brain tumor, that was removed. Age 24 I was dx’ed with Psychosis NOS, then age 26 it switched to schizophrenia. At age 34 it changed again to another brain tumor.

19 - prodromol schizophrenia

20- diagnosed schizophrenia

Around 30 generalised anxiety disorder

52 autism

Similar to you joker :roll_eyes:

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21 schizoaffective disorder. At 30 it changed to schizophrenia.

I do think I have seasonal affective disorder though. But not diagnosed with it.

Quite similar

Anxiety was diagnosed for me about 30 and ASD followed at 32

The ASD diagnosis was a kick in the teeth because I saw just how exploitative peoples behaviour was to me when I was trying to be a loyal friend

That path led to lots of pain

But glad I know better now

I try and keep things simple as best as I can to avoid the same thing happening over and over

Don’t know about you but there was no support after dx and I spent a few months unpicking things with this new lens

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I was first diagnosed with sz at 15 by 3 different psychiatrists. My mom needed a second and then third opinion on it. I dropped my meds when I turned 18 but had to get rediagnosed with it again at 27. Also, the third psychiatrist diagnosed me with seasonal affective disorder also because of how my moods change with the seasons.

I was 21 when I got paranoid schizophrenia. I had suffered a few years before diagnosis. I’m now 46.

21 years old. Prodromal was probably 20 years old.

Yea I know how you feel.

Very little support for ASD. Sometimes find it difficult to communicate through no fault of my own.

People with ASD also have feelings.

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