How normal and/or prevalent is stigmatization of you in your community? How normal or common is it that people think you might be dangerous just based on the knowledge that you have schizophrenia? I’m wondering if the people around are just effected with a bias against me cause of my diagnosis or if its personal. Also is it common for other people to humiliate you or belittled you cause they feel they can, like they can treat you differently BECAUSE of your diagnosis. Or am i just dealing with people who abnormally cruel in general aside from ingrained ideals (and ignorance) that make up stigma.
Is there a reason that people ignore my posts. I dont post often. Maybe some feed back so ih can know what to change.
I find that its rare that ppl think we are dangerous. Just a few ppl around me thought that.
Um. I’m honestly not sure what people in my community think of me and my illness… for the ones that know me/hang out with me, they’re mostly like “well if you’re on your meds you must be good”
I’ve never had anyone harass or degrade me because of my illness… you might just be dealing with a-holes. Or people who just don’t care for you in general, like there’s people I went to high school with that treated me like crap and they still do… but I don’t think it’s because of the illness.
I have a loved sister who knew I had schizophrenia before her children were born. I grew up around the children’s lives, and they knew I had schizophrenia.
Something happened to my niece. She started to ask me if I were violent. It seems that someone outside the family turned her head. She wants nothing to do with me now. I don’t get it…
The people you are dealing with are definitely small-minded. I know a few people like that, they are kind of like vultures looking for a weak spot.
F**k 'em
I’m sorry to hear that @Jayster . You would think she could discount such misinformation, having knowing you and having direct experience
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