How much time do you spend on the Forum every day?

I spend about an hour, hour and a half a day on The Forum. But that is broken up into 5 and 10 minute pieces. Sometimes if I get a lot of messages, it takes me 20 minutes to respond to them all, but other than that I kinda tune in and out all day

How about you?


It varies, some days really long, I remember some days used to be 6 hours or more, but later as days go by it reduced.

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Around an hour. Maybe not everyday. Sometimes not more than 10-20 minutes. On others bit more than an hour.

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I’ve had a couple of stretches of three or four hours, but I find it makes my head spin so I’ve cut it back.

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Depends on the day. But I check the forum some days a couple of dozen times.

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At times this feels like when we scroll on facebook aimlessly. Or youtube. Head feels like buzzing.

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Depends. Sometimes I’ve spent hours and hours on it. Other times, like today, I have to work, so I won’t be on it much.

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It’s just that there’s so much information, and some of it is triggering and hard to digest. I just find it overload sometimes

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But the days I go on long stretches, my thoughts go crazy.

Once about a week I had a secreative delusions and was not able to tell anyone as its suppose to be secreat.

I was so scared on the 4 th day, usually it should have gone away, but it stood with me.

Later after a couple of days came back to normalcy.

@An_the-c-ology that does sound scary. Glad you’ve got some perspective back

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I’m typically on and off here throughout the whole day. I kinda only hang out in the lounge section though because I get triggered easily.


I have it opened all day every day for company and I check frequently for anything interesting and I post about anything I need help with. I also have Facebook opened and my email and a bunch of other sites I go to and I do a bunch of reading. I do whatever I’m going to do within a day and when I take breaks I come to the computer to take my breaks.


I have my browser opened to it throughout most of the day and check it frequently. I AM ALWAYS WATCHING :scream: :sunglasses:.


Weekdays = at least 5 hours
Weekends = 30 minutes, tops


I really honestly have absolutely no idea. Though when looking at forum statistics I always am one of the top users which really surprises me

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I have no idea either. Even though I have to report the number of hours for my volunteer job. I just guesstimate. And a totally wild guess it is.


İ just calculated according to my statistics.i m spending 23 minutes a day on the forum.i usually quick checks during the days and 15 minutes at nights.i think its healthy time is about 20 to 40 min a day.i m getting limited my online interactions because i m afraid of radiation of phones


when im on the forum im on it all day, when im not i dont go on it at all for days or weeks lol


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