How many of you struggle with anxiety? and other anxiety questions

i read that almost half of schizophrenics have an anxiety problem. i dont know if they have a full fledeged disorder comorbid, or if it’s just part of the sz.

also. how many of you have an anxiety that feels physical? more than just worry or fear.

what do you even call anxiety that feels physical? when i google search anxiety, it’s often described as a mental thing, like worry and such. but for me, it feels like a physical problem. i feel like i cant sit still or i want to explode. i tend to just call it anxiety but like i said google says that’s for things like worry and such. my therapist said anxiety feeling physical is often due to the amygdala in the brain.

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If I’m manic or anxious I feel it in my stomach both feel like there’s a knot or in the least a uncomfortable feeling all over my body

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I’m physically and mentally anxious, won’t sleep cause of heart pounding, drooling and constant swallowing, which then leads to throwing up for sometimes days at a time. I also shake and my blood pressure hits 168/111 even with my meds. Just gotta deal, eventually pdoc tells me take however much xanax to basically pass out. Get 6 hours of sleep after 4 orb5 days no sleep, gets better but I go back to being unable to eat for days at a time for fear of throwing up.

It’s a mess. But I had anxiety before sz, I pressured myself to get straight A’s in elementary school, but was a weird kid and beat up everyday. Got sent home a lot cause of bloody noses, girls ripping handfuls of hair out, etc. I know the reasons why, but I might offend someone unintentionally and once I got out of that particular school into a more diverse school, I didn’t get beat up. Both were low income schools, but who i am put a target on me.

I have anxiety all the time
It’s a vicious circle of paranoia and voices and anxiety caused by it

IMO the physical aspects of anxiety are overemphasised . That is not to deny physical symptoms occur. They do . However on a lot of tests for anxiety if you don’t say you have many physical symptoms your anxiety can be wrongly described as ‘mild’ .

In my case I experience both general and social anxiety. I’m also quite avoidant .These are regarded as secondary problems to a relatively more severe diagnosis like schizoaffective.

I struggle with it cos of the way I look and also cos of the meds they make me feel like i can’t connect fully with people


Loads. Especially around attachment, relationships, sexuality. Delusions almost only are a problem when i get very anxious about attachment issues…which causes both mental and physical anxiety. My physical anxiety is almost always there, i think…i dont think im ever fully relaxed. Im extremely avoidant, though im working on it.

Anxiety is the most diagnosed condition

I don’t think mine has much to do with sz but I could be wrong.

I have social anxiety…tis tough

Im anxious alot of the time after speaking to other people - you could call it “catastrophizing”.

Trouble is the commenting voices always kick in when im anxious - and that pisses me off. They often catch me out, thinking they are real - so im still on a bit of a learning curve.

Since being prescribed the extra 25mg Quietiapine twice a day - i am slightly better tho.

My Anxiety is still a work in progress…

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