How is your weather

Our summer has been quite cold so far, nothing like the last summer when it was very warm, it is like fall right now, here is a view from my balcony: raining …


Time 8.30ish pm
Clear skies
Currently 10°C
precipitation 0
humidity 76%
Wind 11 km/h

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It’s been raining all day today.

Time 8:45 pm
cloudy and thunder storms
32 Celsius degrees

Here in Eastern Oklahoma it is hot and humid - 95 F to 100 F. At least it is not that 108 F stuff we got a few years ago.

UK around 2pm - been raining all day and quite cool

rain on and off, hot muggy too. going to hit over a 100 for shore

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Not much different here. Looking out the window the clouds are grey.

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Our days here are filled with mostly painful weather and small amounts of comfort strewn about.

A very dry summer here in Western Canada. The word drought is being bandied about. Lots of problems with forest fires as a result. We need a couple of weeks of solid rain at this point. :frowning:


iowa is hot humid day after day close to 100.i just wilt over 80 so i have to up early water my flower beds and tomato plants before the heat takes over.HATE mornings not a morning person my sleep is like 4 am so getting up at 9 sucks

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Wow I thought it was hot here in the hills (85-90) .

Its been raining most of the day… but that’s ok as I’m not going out i love rain

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It is less than 15 celcius here, maybe 12 c degrees, this summer has been quite cold, there is a saying in Finnish ‘the summer in Finland is short with little snow’ :smiley:

@mjseu I enjoyed the summer weather in Finland when I was working at the Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences. It was very short indeed, but nicely bright 24/7.

This summer has been different, well have had a chance to wear my leather jacket :smiley:

Today the temp is 89 with 92 percent humidity. Staying in the air conditioning.

It’s partly cloudy and hot with a temperature near 93 degree F. A line of thunderstorms in Kentucky and southeast Missouri fell apart before it reached here. Hotter days are expected followed by a cool front late next week. It’s a fairly typical Summer.

Minnesota 85 and sunny