How is it like to be a non-smoker?

Ok good lol that was too much as it is :sweat_smile:


I think no matter what it just gives me positive symptoms. My brain just doesnt like it.

I could see behind the screen when i tried typing, like all the 0s and 1s and machine parts lol.

I threw it out after that. And went and got proper painkillers for my injury :smile:


The first 6 months was withdrawals, the year or two I missed it, but now I don’t miss it at all, I don’t think about it, and I don’t crave it. I live with 2 heavy smokers so I see and smell it all the time and still, I don’t miss it at all and it never crosses my mind to have one.

Next month (March) will be 14 years since I quit smoking.


Hehe, that’s a funny story…

I never experience hallucinations on weed only paranoia.

Even on cbd, did you tried cbd?


@Headspark - Congrats on 14 years of no smoking.


Had stopped for 3.5 years and only difference was i wanted more and more in life.
Which finally ended up smoke one.
Its so easy to quit smoking as I quit after ever cig :sweat_smile: .(only thing i was worried about is the decision system, i am messing up my decisions ) either i have to or not to.

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I tried cbd it didnt do anything for me. I tried smoking the joints and the tinctures.


I have a similar experience. I decided to try a delta 8 thc pen about 4 months ago. The people at the smoke shop said it had a much subtler effect than thc from cannabis. Also mentioned it had more of a physical effect and didn’t really cause anxiety…

Well, not for me! I remember hitting it twice and having a terrible night. I felt so weird. I tried to play my keyboard cause I thought it would calm me down. Then I got confused and couldn’t remember how to play it. That made me even more anxious >:(

No more thc for me.


Yeah i guess it just scrambles our brains. I tried it in little amounts too and different types. It was never any different. Had some outragaeous hallucination from it when i was like 19.
Tongues were coming out of posters. My blanket became a mountain of skulls. There was these characters on the wall pushing wheelbarrows lol.

Its definitely high risk for young kids. I hope that the whole legalization of it in canada doesnt contribute to more psychosis in teenagers


Thanks @TheCanuk

According to the Canadian Cancer Society I have 1 year to go to reach maximum benefit.


I wonder if nicotine by itself is bad for real.


I no longer smell or have bad breath. I no longer have anxiety about getting the next cigarette pack or needing it for every little emotion or thought whether good or bad. I breathe easier and feel better

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Thanks @Headspark ,
I cough when I stop for 24 hrs,
I am going to stop this bad habit.


Don’t you feel missing something in your life ?


What you do when you are stressed, don’t you get stressed ?

I brew some chamomile lavender tea or take a Clonazepam, if it’s really bad.

What you do when you are bored ?

Crochet, knit, listen to music, come to this forum, or browse Imgur.

Do you get “high” on something else ?

Every now and then, I have a drink. But just one or two.

How you deal with strange/weird smells?

I light an incense, light a candle, or open the windows.


I smoked for about a year and a half while I was in the army, and I am so glad I was able to quit. I’ve seen so many people where I live who are so sick from smoking. They say that one half of the people who smoke die of smoking related complications. If you factor in things like accidents and other pernicious diseases that cut people down at a young age that portion of deaths would be higher. I thank God I was able to quit.


It ain’t easy but totally worth it. I can do things like mow the lawn without running out of breath and I have saved a ton of money, plus all the health benefits too of course.


I had stopped it after being dx for about 3.5 years,
but due to some issue at home I started it.
I just said one smoke is all I am gonna take,
and now the smoke is forced down to my lungs,
for every reason.
Actually sz made me stop alcohol just by pure luck.
Most of my close friends I know are no more.
I just need another luck,
I don’t wanna get cancer and then quit.
How did you get off it?


I used to smoke a lot but now I have been nearly two years smoke free. Last summer I decided to finally go straight edge as I have been thinking about it for a long time. I am really happy with my decision so far. The smoker identity was hardest one to change. But now I don’t even miss it, smoking. It is in my past.


You save money. You don’t smell. You’re not always craving the next one. You feel healthier.

Many benefits. No downfalls really.


Here in Australia its is compulsory to quit smoking.

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